Sunday, July 2, 2023

World UFO Day

Before I get to outlining the rest of my plans for this month, I have to acknowledge what today is:

For the rest of the world, this is a day to indulge in your inner "Fox Mulder" from the X-Files.  According to Wikipedia, the reason it falls on today is July 2 is the date of the supposed UFO crash in Roswell in 1947.    

However, as a quilter, you KNOW what that really means to me:

It's time to make some plans for working on some of the quilty UFOs sitting around my work space!  

I haven't done much with the projects on my UFO list this year for the numbers picked by American Patchwork & Quilting magazine for their monthly UFO Challenge.  So for me, today is a day to make some plans to try to correct that this month!  

It would be nice to get some of these moving and maybe even get some finished and out into the universe by year's end!  


Vireya said...

Good luck with your UFO plans!

Rebecca Grace said...

I had no idea there was a UFO Day but I’m not surprised — there seems to be a day for just about everything else. EVERY day is UFO Day in my sewing room…. 🤣