Monday, December 18, 2023

Moving It Forward Monday: Another Step Further Along....

 Okay, the stabilizing stitching is finally done!! 

Once again, hard to get a good picture of it.  Actually, correction:  the stitching in the center is done, I still need to stitch on the outside edges of the String setting triangles along the inner border.  That however should be easy since unlike when I was stitching the center, I will not have to deal with pushing the bulk of the quilt sandwich through the harp space.

I was able to remove all the basting pins in the blocks since they are all surrounded so won't be moving anywhere.  So now I really have enough pins to start the basting on "Tobacco Road"!

However, progress maybe slow over the next few days because it's holiday cookie production time!  I have two more people than usual on my list this year so that is going to add to the time it takes to get that done.   However, the further along I get on these projects, the closer their finish feels.  I'm sure any of you still working on Christmas gifts right now can relate!  

1 comment:

Vireya said...

Well done!

Happy cookie baking.