Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The First To Do Tuesday for 2025!

Now that this new year is underway, it's time to start figuring out just how I want it to go.  To help with that, I'm going to start by joining in on Carol's first Quilt Schmilt  "To Do Tuesday" for the year.

My "To Do" list for this week is short so should be doable.  These days my attention is firmly split between the quilt projects this blog was founded on and the cross stitch projects that have invaded and made themselves at home for (as of next month) three years now!  


I had noted in my last post that I had finished the quilting and needed to bind a quilt that will be a gift for one of the members of my community garden's Steering Committee.

The good news is that the binding is now done (on the left in the picture above).  I'm not revealing the whole quilt just yet in case any of them happen to read my blog but sneak peeks can be seen in prior posts.  Eventually I will do a full reveal once all the quilts are done.  Now I want to get right on to starting the next one.  I already have fabric bundles sorted for each of the remaining three quilts I need to make.  The fabrics on the right in the picture above are for the next one I will work on.  

It started with seeing an appealing set of seven Fat Quarters anchored by some purple prints (bottom right in the picture above).  I purchased it after overhearing one of the Steering Committee members say that purple is their favorite color.  I pulled some additional coordinating fabrics from my stash and from a stash of fabrics that the garden had purchased for use in an English Paper piecing course I taught for them back in 2020.  The big bundle of purple fabric in the upper right is actually a skirt that the garden's President had passed along to me for use for crafting and that she wanted to clear out of her own supplies.     

For all of these gifted quilts I am using my now favorite quickie quilt design: the "9 Fat Quarter Disappearing Nine Patch" that I learned about in a video on the April's Craft Room channel on You Tube.  When this top is done, it will be the fifth one I have made, three of which have been completed as quilts (and you can see all the ones I've done by clicking on this link).   

Normally when I work on these, I cut the Fat Quarters to the same size, throw them up on the design wall and take pictures of different potential layouts.  Then I print out each layout and cut the printed image up so I can rearrange the four quadrants to see which fabric layout works best to my eye.  However, right now my printer isn't working so I have to take another route for playing with the fabric layouts.

I've had EQ8 for about three years now and have used it successfully to design some layouts.  I have learned how to load fabric images to it for plugging into layouts.  So the challenge this week is to see if I can draft up this "not really blocks based" layout and take pictures of the individual fabrics and plug them into layouts for design consideration.    

Cross Stitch

Over the holidays, I finally hung a wall cubby in my kitchen that I had purchased a while back.  Hanging on a wall that has other decorative items, it left what I felt was a big "hole" in the layout.

While I know I could probably find something to fill it in at one of the local housewares stores, of course I thought "well why not a mini quilt or some cross stitch"?  I knew what size piece I wanted (6" to 8", preferably circular) and found a cute and what I hope will be a quick kitchen-themed design to stitch.  

So that was started yesterday and since it's not full coverage or particularly detailed, I'm hoping I can get it stitched and hung by the end of the week.  Of course I said something similar with the Christmas gift I made my MIL and that didn't happen in the time frame estimated so take that desire with a grain of salt, LOL!  

Speaking of cross stitch,  I had previously said I wasn't going to do the "Year of the Snake" for 2025 by The Frosted Pumpkin.  Yeah, I've already caved on that one too!

It's all kitted up and I've even already made my finishing choices!  Since this wasn't the the one I had planned to start for the New Year, I'm still not sure I will stitch it right away --- but then neither was the kitchen one I did start!  So with just two things on the list this means I should get these done right?  

Well here's hoping that looking at what inspiring things others have on their agendas over at Carol's Quilt Schmilt "To Do Tuesday" link up will keep me encouraged to get these done!


Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I took a peek at the Frosted Pumpkin website. What a surprise to see they have patterns all the way through 2030!!! I like your solution for the hole on the kitchen wall--make something!!! Yes!!!

Marsha Cooper said...

Sounds like you have plans. I hope to get these blocks made with the Thangles papers done in the next couple of weeks.

Cheree @ The Morning Latte said...

Hooray for binding and finishing! We'll await the reveal!

Rebecca Grace said...

Lovely projects in the works, and your method of previewing prints for your disappearing 9-patch projects is brilliant!