Saturday, February 11, 2017

Quilt-A-Thon Day 4: Tying Up Loose Ends

It's the final day of Judy's February Quilt-A-Thon and we're linking up at her blog Patchwork Times:
I've enjoyed the opportunity to participate since I wasn't able to in the past.  I started earlier today and am taking a break to post this.  There's no shortage of things to keep me busy today like:
 Still finishing up the Golf/Mets gift quilt:

I left off last night having completed the basting of the center so have been finishing up the edges this morning and may try to start quilting it.

Evening Update:

Basting is done.  However, the ends of the cut of fleece I bought were cut really uneven so I should have paid more attention to the over all size I made the top.  I'm going to have to patch two corners of the backing.  Could be an opportunity to piece in the label!

I also want to get the mug rug for the giftee's wife started:

Note:  I'll be doing a different Word Key option than the one pictured.  On the Post-It are my notes for reducing the original size of the pattern (a small wall hanging) to mug rug size.

Evening Update:

I got most of it cut out.  I can't find my serrated scissors to cut out the applique letters so will have to do some searching so I can complete that part.

Then there's the next set of En Provence QSTs halves to be pressed open......

Evening Update:  Done!
....and then these to be sewn up:

The yellow and green triangles are for Part 7 and will be combined with the green and white halves I finished pressing on QAT Day 2 to create QST blocks.  The mystery ended back in January and there was a link up after that which I thought was the last one.  But on a recent post (near the end), Bonnie said she'd be doing another link up for En Provence on Monday.  I'm pretty sure I won't be linking up as I'm equally sure I won't be anywhere near having a top or even all (any?) of the blocks ready.  However, it would be great if I could have all my parts finished by then.

Evening Update:  Also Done!  I'll press them open tomorrow or Monday.

If I sew the QSTs then I'll also leader/ender this next Scrappy Trips block:

I'm really starting to enjoy seeing these go up on the design wall.  They sew up fairly quickly so I just may make this a daily "30 Minutes of Sewing" project from here on.
Evening Update:  And that's done too!

I also want to prep for Slow Sunday Stitching tomorrow:

I had sewn up these blocks two weekends ago and they need to have the batting put in.  Sunday night we have a lot of shows that we tape and then watch so it'd be great to have something to sew on while clearing the DVR.
Evening Update:  The one thing not done so tomorrow, I'll have to stuff and sew.  They're probably the only things I'll work on (well, that and pressing the QST halves open).

As always, I'll update this post at the end of the day with my progress.  Hope everyone gets got to take a stitch or two today!

1 comment:

maggie fellow said...

wow you really got ahead on your projects. I have a golfer son - was that a pattern?